Monday, August 15, 2011

Katie asks...

My school just did a small training on The Daily CAFE. Our administration is not requiring us to use it, but they think it would be a great way to align all the grade levels in terms of reading strategies. I am really excited to try it because I've read some great things on other teacher blogs. Any words of advice for a CAFE newbie?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Rorey asks...

I teach overseas and it is difficult to get resources. Does anyone know of a good place to find a free printable number line for my third grade wall?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Katie asks...

What rewards for good behavior do you use in your classroom?

I've never used a treasure box because a) I don't like giving kids little prizes because I think it sends the wrong message and b) I'm cheap! I've always used intrinsic rewards like 'No Shoe Day' or 'Read to the Principal' and I'm loving the way Mrs. Cooley organizes hers over at First Last! (Go check it out if you haven't seen it yet.) Now I'm thinking I need to make some monster themed punch cards and a monster themed rewards binder! What other rewards do you use?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Bobbie asks...

Does anyone have a whole class reading goal for the year? How do you record what books are read? I saw on a blog somewhere (I can't remember/find it) where they counted books read at school and home to meet the goal. I want to do this to keep the students excited but I am not really sure where to start or what would be a good amount for the goal for kindergarten or if it should include books I read too. Thanks.